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Hamilton Bowling Club Report

Jack Waldron

The Pech family get a special mention this week. Norm is a club stalwart, the winner of many championships and currently a division one pennant skipper. Son Michael also plays division one pennant and has just become a pennant selector. Grandson Rylan who nearly won social bowls on Saturday is the current indoor under 18 Victorian champion and goes to the Australian championships in South Australia in August. He is also our Association singles champion. And finally a school group from Baimbridge College visited the club last week and a fourteen year old caught the eye , bowling with near perfect technique and lobbing bowls on the kitty one after another. After enquiries  we found she is Norm’s grand daughter Amalie – a future champion for sure.

Cold weather has not deterred bowlers who continue to play in large numbers. On Thursday it was triples day with Rob Baker, Syd Barnes and Graeme Langsworth the only three game winners with 26 shots up. Second was Peter Graham, John Crane and Ian Johnson with two wins and a draw.

Saturday was pairs in a 2-4-2 format with each player taking turns to skip. Peter Clapham and Rhonda Dunbar were unstoppable with three wins and an amazing 26 shots up. Dennis Gay and Rylan Pech were second. Twenty two teams participated.

The indoor singles championships are due to be played this week with winners names entered on the Honour Board. Miriam Tonissen and Ken Fort are the defending champions. Results next week.

Don’t forget Bonanza Day on July 6th.